My Book

My Book
The Great Adventures of Bottom the Bassett Hound

Thursday 28 February 2013

March 1st, 2013, Friday!

Aroo! TGIF Everyone! Big plans this weekend? Planning your Spring Break? You know the expression, A mother scorned..Well, something like that! Well, I wouldn't even mess with this mother in this video, Check out her Kung Fu moves!

Wow! Enjoy your day! Happy Weekend and Vacation time! Lets get the party started y'all! Woof!


Wednesday 27 February 2013

February 28th, 2013, Thursday!

Woof! I have a question for you.Who is Brown, Has a long tail, four legs and solves mysteries? Still thinking...well perhaps this song will give you a hint..

I just adore him!

Enjoy your day!


Tuesday 26 February 2013

February 27th, 2013, Waddle Wednesday!

Aroo! Wow! It's Waddle Wednesday! Usually, you can hear me singing my song but, today, listen to this duet between Taylor Swift and our friend the Goat. What a singer the goat is and that Taylor Swift ain't so bad either! Pretty too!

So, here they are!

Enjoy! and do the Waddle!


Monday 25 February 2013

February 26th, 2013, T-rific Tuesday!K

Aroo! Here's Adele! I want to be the kool animated dog in the next Bond film! Do they even have animated dogs in the Bond films? I will have to ask..
In the meantime...



Sunday 24 February 2013

February 25th, 2013, Monday!

Woof! It's Monday! Did I win? Did I get an Oscar? I fell asleep, it was so late.., I hope someone will tell me this morning..
Will you?
Enjoy your day!

Saturday 23 February 2013

February 24th, 2013! Oscar Sunday Night!

Aroo! Just because I am not on this old list of Top 10 Oscar Animals, doesn't mean I won't be next year!
But, just in case you missed this a couple of years ago, I will post it for you!
Hope to see you all at the Oscar's tonight!

Friday 22 February 2013

February 23rd, 2013, Saturday!

Aroo! Since this is Oscar weekend and I am a dog and dogs respect other animals, I felt it prudent to post this clip of Michael Jackson performing "Ben" from the same Movie about a Boy and his Rat; at the 45th Annual Academy Awards in 1973 with Charles Heston, another wonderful Actor introducing him. What a moment!

R.I.P. Michael Jackson, Charlton Heston!

You both are missed by this pooch!

Excited for the Big Day on Sunday!


Thursday 21 February 2013

February 22nd, 2013, Friday!

Woof! Hi! I am so excited about the Oscars this year but, I am also excited about this clip that I am posting for you with the Muppets from the Oscars.

Here it is!

Hope you have an Awesome, Furtastic Friday!


Wednesday 20 February 2013

February 21st, 2013, Thursday!

Aroo! And the crowd goes crazy, and the announcer says, "And for Best Picture of the Year, the nominees are.." A silence comes over the crowd and then the envelope is opened, "Ladies and Gentlemen, For Best Motion Picture of the Year, "The Great Adventures of Bottom the Bassett Hound!"

Oh, I'm sorry, was I day dreaming again, uhmm, Yes, in honor of the 85th Academy Awards on February 24th, 2013, I give you Uggie the Dog, on Jimmy Kimmel live, not this year yet...It was posted last year though, anyway, Here it is!

Enjoy! Hope to see you at the Oscars one day soon!


Tuesday 19 February 2013

February 20th, 2013, Waddle Wednesday!

Watch "TWO DOGS DINING" on YouTube
Aroo! Who says that us dogs can't be civilized! However, you know this dog loves food! Check out this video!
Keep on Waddling today! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Monday 18 February 2013

February 19th, 2013, T-rific! Tuesday!

Aroo! I know that this is an old one but, Since Karen Carpenter's Birthday is coming up on March 2nd, 2013, I wanted to do an early tribute to her and give her a Big Furry Paw Hug in the Sky! She had a beautiful soothing voice that I still enjoy today. Here's one of my favorite songs and I will always remember Peggy Fleming skating to this song at Sun Valley; and watching it as a pup on TV with my mistress and her family.

Enjoy! And Begin your day with a smile Everyone!


Sunday 17 February 2013

February 18th, 2013, Monday!

Woof! Just could not help myself, I had to post this again to end a wonderful, fantastic, Romantic Weekend!
Disney's Lady and The Tramp! The happiest doggie couple I know! And Tramp is sooo dreamy.

Enjoy! If you really want to spread the love at this weekend's end, Please give to Ontario's Bark for Life! And click on the link below. Tell them Bottom sent you!

Well, Have a super Monday Everyone and Stay tuned!


Saturday 16 February 2013

February 17th, 2013, Sunday!

Aroo! Such a loving weekend! And for the Grand finale, Ms Whitney Houston, R.I.P., with this wonderful song,

Did you hug your dog today! We absolutely need love!

Hope you enjoy this Sunday, and have a wonderfully, romantic finish to the weekend!


Friday 15 February 2013

February 16th, 2013, Saturday!

Aroo! The love continues right here through the weekend! I am a firm believer in Love. It makes the world go around and my tail wag every time I see my mistress, my family and friends.

Here is something you might not know, it is a fact that Dogs hearts can break if you go away or pass away. We have feelings too!

Here is the perfect love song to keep you in the mood today!

Have a wonderful Saturday Everyone and Stay tuned!


Thursday 14 February 2013

February 15th, 2013, Friday!

Woof! How was your Valentine's Day? Post your love stories here! I love hearing about people and canines in love.

Here's a song for you to start your weekend!

Enjoy! And Stay tuned!


Wednesday 13 February 2013

February 14th, 2013, Thursday! Happy Valentine's Day!

Aroo! Happy Valentine's Day Everyone! I Love all of you! Here's a real romantic way to start your day, listen to this clip from Shrek,

Eat Chocolate and be extra nice to your sweetie today!

Big Furry Paw Hugs!


Tuesday 12 February 2013

February 13th, 2013, Waddle Wedneday!

Hi! It's Waddle Wedneday Everyone! Love is on is way, no need to stop now, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!
Here's an oldie but a goodie!
Let's do the Waddle!

Monday 11 February 2013

February 12, 2013, T-rific Tuesday!

Woof, Well Hello Everyone! Two more days until Valentines! So, just to stay current, I am posting this Mumford and Sons Song.

Maybe, it will be your love theme? or...something else...

Have a spectacular day everyone!


Sunday 10 February 2013

February 11th, 2013, Monday!

Aroo! Monday! Hi! I'm still rocking from Adele last night at the Grammys, here is one of her best to start the day and keep you bopping.


Saturday 9 February 2013

February 10, 2013, Sunday!

Woof! Hello! I thought, just because I like to "mix" it up a bit, I thought, you would like to see something old but, great! So, here it is! 1955!

Can you guess what it is? M I C, KEY, M O U S E!

And I love you too!
Enjoy your Sunday!

Friday 8 February 2013

February 9th, 2013, Saturday!

Woof! Hi! I just thought I would throw a little more romance at you for those Pre-Valentine's day celebrating on this cold, blustery weekend!
So, Here it is, one of the greatest love stories of all time!

Enjoy and Stay warm!

Thursday 7 February 2013

February 8th, 2012, FRIDAY!

Woof! Hi! I was thinking about a great dog love story, one of commitment and happiness, well, except for Cruella! What a nasty woman! Anyway, I thought this would be a great start to the weekend!



Wednesday 6 February 2013

February 7th, 2013, Thursday!

Hi! Woof! Everyone! I wanted to share this trailer with you because my mistress loves horses! I however, am not so fond of them. They, in my opinion are arrogant creatures who think they are superior in the animal chain even though, their brain is much smaller than mine, I think?
Anyway, I think that Dog's man's best friend is more superior. Thought you would like this,

Enjoy! and Have a good one! (one what?!)


Tuesday 5 February 2013

February 6th, 2013, Waddle Wednesday!

Woof! It's Waddle Wednesday! Even though I have my own song for Wednesday, I can't get "The Pink Panther Song" out of my head. So here it is!


And let's do the Waddle to the tune..Do the Waddle, Do the Waddle, Ahh, it doesn't quite go..
Oh well, you know the song...
Try it and let me know how it works out.
Have a wonderful Waddle day!

Monday 4 February 2013

February 5th, 2013, T-Rific Tuesday!

Hi Everyone! I'm thinking about Valentine's day coming up, Do you have a love story you want to share? I would love to hear them! Post them here. I fell in love once with Butch, and well, I can't reveal it now but, in my next book, I have a new love interest.
So, here is a little Pre-Valentine's Day music to get you in the mood...



Sunday 3 February 2013

February 4th, 2013, Monday!

Wow! Woof! What a game! The Ravens won and thank goodness because at least they are a species. Maybe next year 49ers! Time to get back to work today so, Have a great one!

Saturday 2 February 2013

February 3rd, 2013, Superbowl Sunday!

Aroo! Hey Everybody! All ready for the big game today? I am, I have a dining bib and everything! Oh, I can smell the hors d'oeuvres already, the cheese puffs, the chicken fajitas,  the chips, the ribs, the chicken wings..Oh my!

Hey, now I have a bone to pick, Who's "A Dog with a Blog"? What's up Disney? I have a Blog...., I'm cute, sensitive, ok, well, you know.. Check out this video, Maybe someone can tell me...

Enjoy Superbowl XLVII! Go Ravens and 49ers!
P.S. I know what a Raven is but, what is a 49er? I guess, I'll find out!


Friday 1 February 2013

February 2nd, 2013, Saturday!

Hi! Woof! It's Superbowl weekend! I thought, you would like a nice sports cartoon to start off your day so here it is! Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd. Don't forget Larimore!
Can't wait for the big game on Sunday! Who do you want to win? I can't wait for all the snacks to hit the floor. And the unmanned Chip bowls at my level...Yumm...
Enjoy your day Everyone!