My Book

My Book
The Great Adventures of Bottom the Bassett Hound

Thursday 11 July 2013

July 12th, 2013, TGIF!

Aroo! It's Friday Everyone! Yeah! Here's a great Friday Song to get your weekend started!

I am so excited and the weather is supposed to be nice, so squirrels watch out cause I'll be chasing ya!

Stay tuned!


Monday 8 July 2013

July 9th, 2013, T-Rific Tuesday!

Aroo! Hi Everybody! How's it going? Today, I want to share with you something I like to do. Chase a ball, not just any ball, the ball of all time! Here's a friend who feels the same way!

Go Jerry! What fun!



Sunday 7 July 2013

July 8th, 2013, Monday!

Aroo! Hi Everybody! It's been so hot that I think my fur is coming off piece by piece! But really, you all know what kind of summer it's been in North America so, today a video tribute to the heat!

Don't you just love Eddie Murphy!

Have a great day!


Thursday 4 July 2013

July 5th, 2013, Thursday!

Aroo! Hi Everyone! Hope you had a great 4th of July! I did, lots of leftovers that fell, well into my mouth..Cher really rocked New York last night so, here's a video of her latest song! I hope I am still waddling at her age!

Hope you enjoy listening to her as much as I do!

Stay tuned!


R.I.P. Big O buddy!

Wednesday 3 July 2013

July 4th, 2013, Thursday! Happy Birthday USA!

Aroo! Happy July 4th everyone!

These two could use some refreshments!

Hope you all will be BBQing!

Have a great holiday!


Tuesday 2 July 2013

July 3rd, 2013, Waddle Wednesday!

Aroo! In case you are wondering it's Waddle Wednesday! Are you getting ready to BBQ again? Will you be watching the fireworks? If so, make sure your animals are not close to them. We get scared and it hurts our ears. We do like to get the leftovers from a cookout though..but, not too close to the BBQ either or hot food.

Let me know how your family spends the 4th of July..Post your pictures here or on my facebook page..

Let's go!


Monday 1 July 2013

July 2nd, 2013, T-Rific Tuesday!

Aroo! That was some Canada Day yesterday! I really loved it! All the Barbecue meat almost hitting the floor but, not quite. Here's some a great Canadian stereotypes to wrap up the holiday.